Premium 500

Plan DetailsPremium 500 (P500)
Impression Credits500,000 impressions per calendar month
Free Trial10 days, no upfront payment information required
Money-Back Guarantee30 days
Event Tracking 10x impression credits
Setup FeeNone
Licensing FeeNone
Hidden FeesNone
Standard SupportIncluded
Video Ad Server Included
Mobile Ad Server Included
Overage Insurance Included
Bonus Impressions 1% every month
Flexible Contracts Monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually
Prepayment Discount Up to 20%
Compare 6.39 cents to 7.99 cents per CPM
Cost$31.96 to $39.95 per month
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Prepaid Discount

Term & DiscountPrice (USD)Before DiscountAfter DiscountYou Save
Monthly (0%)$39.95/month$39.95$39.95 
Quarterly (5%)$37.95/month$119.85$113.86$5.99 (5%)
Semi-Annually (10%)$35.96/month$239.70$215.73$23.97 (10%)
Annually (20%)$31.96/month$479.40$383.52$95.88 (20%)

Help Center Features

AdSpeed Ad Server offers a comprehensive ad solution with powerful ad management and ad serving features. You can view the list of features below and click on a link to learn more about each feature.

Ad Serving i

Add-ons i

Management i

Reporting i

Selling Ads to Advertisers i

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