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How do I use AdSpeed Ad Server in WordPress?

In additional to the manual ad placement method, AdSpeed has released a plugin for WordPress, a popular publishing platform.

This plugin displays ads from your AdSpeed account on the sidebar or within a post. Ads are served, managed and tracked for impressions and clicks by AdSpeed AdServer. You setup and manage ads inside your AdSpeed account.


  • Navigate to "Plugins > Add New Plugin"
  • Type "AdSpeed" into the search box
  • Click "Install Now"

Ad on the Sidebar/Template

Navigate to "Appearance -> Widgets". Click on a specific Widget Area you would like to edit. Select the + prompt to add a block. Search for "AdSpeed Ad Server". For each block (ad placement), you need to specify a zone identification number. This zone ID must exist within your AdSpeed account and do NOT enter the zone name. You can find the zone ID under the first column of the zone list in your AdSpeed account.

If your chosen/installed Theme does not display Widgets, you can navigate to Appearance -> Editor. Select a suitable Template/Page that you want to display the ad. Click the Plus (+) sign at an area you want to add the block. Enter "Custom HTML" into the search box. Paste the ad tag generated from AdSpeed into the box and click Save.

Ad in a Post

To use it in a post, write this macro "{AdSpeed:Zone:1234}" to display an ad from zone #1234. In this example, "1234" is a zone identification number in your AdSpeed account. Do NOT enter the zone name. This macro will be replaced with the actual ad tag for the zone in your post. You can find the zone ID under the first column of the zone list in your AdSpeed account.

Styling Ad Block

Each ad placement is enclosed within a DIV container with CSS class "AdSpeedWP" so you can change/customize ad styles like color, border, spacing, margin, alignment, etc.

Other Articles in Plugins

AdSpeed Ad Server can be extended and integrated with many other external systems via our plugins, extensions, modules and APIs.

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