
Ad Server for Agencies

customer relationship An ad agency plans, designs, creates, manages and buys advertising on publisher's properties for its clients, the advertisers. AdSpeed ad server for agencies provides the platform to manage client's advertisements, serve ads on publishing partners and track ad performance. Your publishing partners can be individual websites, mobile apps, ad networks, and ad exchanges. Ad metrics include impressions, clicks, conversions, events, and ad spending. If you are an advertiser, you can still use the ad agency account and act as your own agency.

Getting Started

After creating your ad agency account, follow these 3 simple steps to begin serving and tracking ads for your clients:
  1. Add Creative
    Setup the ad creative with a suitable image and landing page. Many different ad formats are supported.
  2. Create Zone
    A zone is a rotational pool of one or more ads. This arrangement enables you to switch to a new ad, or test different versions of the same ad (A/B testing), without having to request changes from your publishing partner.
  3. Send Ad Tag
    Generate the serving code for the corresponding zone and send it to your publishing partners. They will paste this HTML code into their website, or their own ad server, to display the ad.
View more detailed instructions to set up a new agency account.

If you are an independent advertiser, AdSpeed also offers an ad server for advertisers to track their media buys.


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