
How to keep your current advertisers?

As a website owner, you understand that advertisers help offset your operational cost and bring in an additional source of revenue. These companies purchase the ad space that you have available in the hope of connecting with your current audience. When your pricing is competitive and you have a desirable audience, your advertisers will find that working with you is cost effective.

Publish Original Content

If you are truly interested in selling ad space on your website, you need to offer something that people want. This means filling your website with original content on a regular basis. Such content should be high quality and promote interaction, encouraging visitors to return to your website.

Justify Your Pricing

As a publisher, you should always be aware of the audience that is coming to your website. This information is important to those who decide to keep buying your ad space. Furthermore, your pricing should reflect the constantly changing amount of website traffic and its quality. For example, if you have a month with slow traffic, you might not be able to book all of your ad campaigns as in a peak month. Any client who purchases advertising from you will be watching the click-thru rate and ad impression reports. Let the advertiser see the number of people that visit your website, their geographical location and any demographic information about your audience. This encourages them to maintain their advertiser accounts and to fully understand how they should adjust their marketing efforts to maximize the potential that is on your website.

Provide Incentives

When someone has been advertising with you for some time, it is important that they are rewarded for their continued partnership. Since there are hundreds of other websites like yours to advertise with, you need to give them a reason to stay. This can be as simple as agreeing to a three month contract. The first month may be at full price with the second month at a 5% discount and the third month at a 10% discount. This not only provides an incentive to continue to use the advertising space, but it builds a partnership that could have them working with you on other advertising campaigns in the future. It is also important that you introduce your visitors and frequent users to these sponsors who are helping you offset your costs. This adds a personal connection and an appreciation of the advertising company. Ultimately, it helps you build the relationship and extend the ad campaign to future months.

Give Priority

When you are looking at selling ad space, you need to understand that returning customers should have top priority. While you might make more money from a new customer, your established customer is counting on advertising on your website and it is essential that you do not compromise this already developed business relationship.

Offer Equal Advertising Rates for All

To avoid conflict, make sure that you offer equal pricing to all existing customers and new customers. Special promotions should be made available to everybody. It is common to offer discounted pricing to promote new sales. If you find it necessary to do so, make sure you have a strategy to avoid upsetting existing customers who are just as valuable. You can offer them a discount on new campaigns, for example. Lastly, it is not uncommon for advertisers to discuss rates they are getting from different websites, which yet gives you another reason to provide equal pricing.
September 11, 2013


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