Blog AdServer for Ad Network

Below are articles within AdServer for Ad Network category on AdSpeed ad server website:
  • How do privacy regulations affect online advertising?
    "Ask an average person how they feel about reading the privacy statement of each website they visit and most will tell you that it is a pain and many simply do not read those documents. The reality here, though, is that those statements are required by privacy regulations for your own protection. " More
  • Advantages of an on-demand ad server
    "Businesses looking to serve ads have a lot of different options open to them but an on-demand ad server is arguably one of the most flexible options out there. Like everything, there are pros and cons to be considered when going with an on-demand ad serving solution. " More
  • Benefits of an ad server for your online business
    "Ad serving technology is one of the most important technologies of the online advertising world for several reasons. An ad server places ads on websites by performing three important related functions: " More
  • Benefits of an ad server API
    "An ad server is only as good as the results it delivers, which is why both publishers and advertisers go to great lengths to keep track of how their ads are performing. All good ad servers provide online accesses and updates to their users. " More
  • A brief history of advertising
    "Everybody sees advertising pretty much every day but we might not know about its history and how it has evolved over the years. Advertising has been around for a long time and went through more changes than we can keep track of. " More
  • Benefits of using a third-party adserver
    "Any publisher, advertiser, ad agency or ad network looking to make serious money from advertising should consider using an adserver, whether it is an in-house adserver or a 3rd-party adserver. Here are just 5 potential benefits that you will see going with a 3rd-party ad server: " More
  • Five tips when choosing an ad server
    "When it comes to finding an ad server, there are a lot of different options out there. Making a decision can be tough, but it’s one that deserves some real due diligence before selecting with an ad server that is best for you. " More
  • What does an online ad trafficker do?
    "The overall job function of an online ad trafficker is to coordinate, monitor, and manage all the material and involved with online advertising. This includes working closely with account managers, creative artists, and other members of an advertising agency. " More
  • What is ad serving?
    "Ad serving describes the process of delivering ads to viewers through an ad server, which is a technology system that helps perform, automate, and optimize tasks related to online advertising. It makes these tasks easier and more efficient. " More
  • Advantages of a hosted ad server (part 3)
    "In the previous two articles, we considered the ad serving performance and cost savings of an ad server. We are going to evaluate the operational and reporting benefits of a hosted ad serving solution in this article. " More
  • What are the pros and cons of self-serve advertising?
    "Selling advertising on your website can take many different forms, and it really all depends on what you are looking to get out of it. For some publishers, advertising is to attract big brands willing to pay a premium for their prime ad spaces. " More
  • Tips to maintain ad revenue for publishers during the pandemic
    "The global pandemic of 2020 brings many changes, both suddenly and dramatically. Things that you know pre-crisis may now be out of date so it is a good time to take a fresh look. " More
  • Ad Server vs. Ad Network
    "In an online world with increased reliance on digital technologies, the terms "ad server" and "ad network" are frequently heard. However, not many people know the key differences between these two terms. " More
  • Why should an ad network display relevant ads?
    "Ad networks and ad exchanges are the match makers between publishers and advertisers. They use ad serving technology behind the scene to place advertisements onto a website or blog. " More
  • How to choose a good ad network?
    "This is a basic check list for any publisher to find an ad network that is suitable and profitable for your website. Niche vs Generic If your blog and website has a strong focus in a particular field and your visitors generally share the same interests, then a Vertical ad network is what you should look for. " More
  • How do hackers use online advertising to serve their malicious purposes?
    "When it comes to online advertising, publishers spend a lot of time finding and selecting ads that are profitable and also relevant to their viewers. With too many advertisers, ads and different ad vendors, it is easy to overlook little details, which might mean placing ads that are harmful to anyone that views or clicks on them. " More
  • What to look for in a third-party ad server?
    "If you need to run multiple ad campaigns from your own advertisers and also from ad networks or exchanges, you will need a third-party ad server to help you manage, optimize, deliver and track these ads. A third-party adserver helps a publisher lower operational and development costs compared to an in-house ad server solution that you build and operate with your own staff and servers. " More
  • Benefits of ad servers to publishers
    "All websites with advertisements use ad servers extensively to manage these ads and their advertisers. In case you own one or more online properties, you may find advertisers want to display their ads on your websites and that is a great way to monetize them. " More
  • What is responsible advertising?
    "There is a lot of money to be made from advertising, both for the advertiser and the publisher. However, the pursuit of money should not mean ignoring or placing all values and responsibilities aside. " More
  • Winter ad serving tips
    "While there are some products and services that are a good fit for your website all year round, there are others that are most certainly not. For example, what you might show in the summer may not be appropriate for winter. " More