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Can I have ads refresh automatically without a page reload?

By default, an ad placement does not reload itself until the visitor refreshes the web page or goes to a new page. Instead of this default behavior, you can set the number of seconds in the ad tag so that the ad server automatically fetches and displays a new ad. This feature is also called impression recycling. The refresh happens automatically without your visitors reloading their current viewing web page.

How It Works

After every X seconds, the ad placement will be refreshed, a new ad is displayed and a new impression is recorded. This feature is useful for "sticky" pages, pages with a lot of contents, or highly interactive contents. For example: playable web games, live chat area, streaming video and music.

Refresh Setting

  • Click on a zone name
  • Click on tab "Ad Tag"
  • Under section "Advanced Settings", enter the number of seconds into the field "Reload ad automatically after". The default value is blank, which means no refresh until visitors explicitly reload the web page
  • Copy and paste the updated ad tag into your web page where the ad should display

Refresh Cap

To prevent the case when visitors leave their browsers idle and ads keep refreshing, you can set a maximum number of auto-refreshes. Once this limit is reached, auto-refresh will stop. For example: auto-refresh every 60 seconds and repeat up to up to 30 times. In this case, a new ad is displayed every minute for up to 30 minutes.


Impressions will be recorded and tracked independently for each refresh. If you have a fast auto-refresh setting of a few seconds, this could result in a high total impression number in your account and a slow loading experience for your visitors since their browsers have to continuously load new ads. Therefore, we recommend to set it at least 40 seconds or longer.


If you serve third-party ads, please check with their Terms of Service to make sure auto-refresh is allowed. Certain third-party ad tags does not work well with auto-refresh and certain vendors have a specific requirement on refresh settings. For a more advanced usage, you can display a new ad upon a certain user activity by loading the ad request dynamically.

Other Articles in Ad Tag

This section describes the ad tag (serving code) with basic and advanced settings. It includes common ad serving setup instructions and answers frequently asked questions when integrating the ad tag into your site, blog or app.

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