Features Ad Serving
VMAP Video Ad Serving

To generate the VMAP for your video zones, follow the menu "Tools / Wizards" and click on the link "Generate VMAP video ad tag for multiple zones". On the form, enter your zone IDs and time offsets. The wizard form will generate the VMAP URL for you to put into your VMAP-enabled video player. You can customize the URL to fetch more than one ad from each zone. For example: 12345x2 means 2 ads from zone #12345. Some VMAP-supported video players include JWPlayer, Roku, Samsung and other Internet-ready/smart TVs.Time Offset
This setting represents the timing for each ad break and can be defined in one of these ways:- Start: a pre-roll ad
- End: a post-roll ad
- Seconds: offset in seconds from the beginning of the main video to the placement of the ad break. Example: ad breaks at 30 seconds, 60 seconds and 90 seconds.
- Percentage: offset in percentage from the beginning of the main video to the placement of the ad break. Example: ad breaks at 20%, 50% and 80%.
- Position/Opportunity: when the timing of the main content or ad break is unknown, you can set the order of multiple ad breaks as first, second, third and so on. This is suitable for live streaming.
Other Articles in Ad Serving
Features of our ad server that display ads to your viewers, record ad metrics like impressions and clicks.
- Ad Formats and Ad Dimensions
- Ad Optimization
- Ad Tag and Serving Code
- Ad Targeting
- Ad Tracking
- Competitive & Companion Positioning
- Default and Secondary Zone
- Email Ad Serving
- Mobile Ad Serving
- Native Ad Serving
- Priority in Serving Frequency
- Roku Ad Serving
- Secure Ad Serving with SSL
- Text Link Ads
- Video Ad Serving
- Zone Targeting and Campaign Targeting
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- Video Ad Serving
"AdSpeed's Video Ad Server uses the IAB standard for video advertising known as VAST (Video Ad Serving Template) so video ..."
- How do I setup a video ad with multiple bitrates?
"If you have multiple version of a video ad with different bitrates or resolutions, you can set up these media ..."
- Zone
"Zone is ad placement. A zone consists of one or more ads. Zones display, serve, shuffle, cycle, randomize, and rotate ..."
- How do I setup a companion ad in video ad serving?
"A companion ad runs along with a VAST video ad (pre-roll, mid-roll or post-roll) to provide a more integrated experience ..."
- Roku Ad Serving
"Roku is a popular streaming platform. It allows you to create your own video channel and use your own video ..."