Features Ad Serving

Ad Targeting

ad targeting When you create a new ad, it has no restriction and therefore can be shown to anyone, anywhere, anytime. However, that is not always the case because you or your advertisers might want to target certain group of viewers to enhance relevancy and quality. By applying targeting criteria, you can target, control, restrict and limit ad delivery to a specific audience at specific time and place. For your convenience, you can use the restriction wizard to quickly setup common restrictions when creating a new ad.

Setup Ad Targeting

  • Click on any individual ad, zone, group or campaign
  • Click on tab "Restrictions" to view, modify existing restrictions or add a new restriction

Below is the comprehensive list of available restriction types and their examples:

Geographical Targeting (Geo-Targeting)

LanguageShow to visitors who speak English, Spanish
Don't show to visitors who speak Polish, Vietnamese
CountryShow to visitors from Poland, Vietnam
Don't show to visitors from Canada, Spain
CityShow to visitors from Chicago, Illinois
Don't show to visitors from Pacifica, California
ContinentShow to visitors from Europe
Don't show to visitors from Asia
State, Province, RegionShow to visitors from California, USA
Don't show to visitors from Newfoundland, Canada
US MetropolitanShow to visitors from Seattle-Tacoma WA
Don't show to visitors from Odessa-Midland TX
Within a radius of a GPS latitude/longitude coordinate (IP mapping or Geolocation API)Show to visitors within 100 miles of Chicago, Illinois, United States (41.85,-87.65)
Don't show to visitors within 200 miles of Rome, Italy (41.9,12.5)
US/Canada Phone Area CodeShow to visitors within 408, 650
Don't show to visitors within 416
US Zipcode and Canadian Postal CodeShow to visitors within M4T
Don't show to visitors within 95111, 95116
Internet Provider/Carrier or Organization (IP mapping)Show to visitors using Comcast
Don't show to visitors using Verizon

Date & Time

Start & End DateShow between these dates June 1 - June 30
Don't show between these dates May 1 - May 20
Day of WeekShow on Monday, Friday
Don't show to visitors on Saturday, Sunday
Time of Day or DaypartingShow during these hours 09:00, 10:00
Don't show during these hours 02:00, 03:00, 04:00

Ad Metrics

Hourly Impressions (gross / unique)Maximum 500 gross impressions per hour
Hourly Clicks (gross / unique)Maximum 10 gross clicks per hour
Daily Impressions (gross / unique)Maximum 5,000 gross impressions per day
Daily Clicks (gross / unique)Maximum 100 gross clicks per day
Daily Conversions or TransactionsMaximum 10 transactions per day
Daily RevenueMaximum 100 USD in revenue per day
Share of Voice or Share of ImpressionMaintain around 30% of impressions in ZoneXYZ
Monthly Impressions (gross / unique)Maximum 50,000 gross impressions per month
Monthly Clicks (gross / unique)Maximum 5,000 gross clicks per month
Monthly Conversions or TransactionsMaximum 100 transactions per month
Monthly RevenueMaximum 1,000 USD in revenue per month
Total Impressions (gross / unique)Maximum 50,000 gross impressions in total
Total Clicks (gross / unique)Maximum 5,000 gross clicks in total
Total Conversions or TransactionsMaximum 100 transactions in total
Total RevenueMaximum 1,000 USD in revenue in total


Frequency CappingDon't show if this visitor has viewed it 10 times within the last day
Time CappingDon't show to this visitor again until 30 minutes later
Audience Session TargetingDon't show if visitor recently saw ad ABC
Visitor's IP AddressShow to visitors with IP like 200.201.202.*
Don't show to visitors with IP like
Visitor's Hostname/Domain (DNS Lookup)Show to visitors from *.mit.edu
Don't show to visitors from *.treasury.gov
BrowserShow to visitors using Chrome
Don't show to visitors using Opera
DeviceShow to visitors using Android
Don't show to visitors using iPhone
Operating System / PlatformShow to visitors using Windows
Don't show to visitors using Linux
Referring PageShow to visitors came from this page example.com/good.html
Don't show to visitors came from this page example.com/bad.html
Ad Placement PageShow to visitors viewing this page example.com/interesting.html
Don't show to visitors viewing this page example.com/boring.html

Other Targeting Criteria

Keyword/Contextual TargetingShow if the ad tag has keywords Premium
Don't show if the ad tag has keywords Travel
Competitive and Companion PositioningShow on the same page with ad ABC
Don't show on the same page with ad XYZ

Other Articles in Ad Serving

Features of our ad server that display ads to your viewers, record ad metrics like impressions and clicks.

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