Features Ad Serving

Ad Optimization

It is a fact that some ads perform better than other ads. This means that some ads generate more revenue, more clicks, more conversions, a higher click-through ratio, or a higher conversion ratio. With this feature, you can choose to display the better performing ads more often. This increases the ROI for better ads and raises a flag on poor ads that should be revised, improved, or deactivated. AdSpeed Ad Server automatically adjusts the ad priority based on near real-time ad performance data. When editing an ad, you can choose one of the following ad optimization methods under section "Advanced Settings":


Ads that generate more revenue than other ads in the same period will be served more often. This optimizer requires the ad rate be set to a non-zero value.


Ads with more clicks than other ads in the same period will be served more often.


Ads with a higher CTR than other ads in the same period will be served more often.


Ads with more conversions than other ads in the same period will be served more often.

Conversion Rate

Ads with a higher conversion ratio than other ads in the same period will be served more often.


No optimization will be performed on this ad. This is the default setting.

Optimization Algorithm

The goal of optimization is to maximize the yield from a pool of ads. The yield metrics can be clicks, conversions, click-through ratios or conversion ratios. We employ an advanced algorithm that evaluates your ad performance in near real-time (currently about every 5-10 minutes). The algorithm performs many fine-tuning operations behind the scene, but to help explain how it works, in its most basic form, it breaks your ad pool into 3 groups: good performance, poor performance and average performance.

The good performing ad(s) get higher ad priorities and the opposite situation happens to the poor performing ad(s). The average ad(s) stay relatively the same while waiting for more data to be evaluated.

Input Data

The result is only as good as the input data. An accurate and up-to-date optimization requires a continuous stream of input data. With our algorithm, the adjustment of ad priorities is a responsive and smooth process. The ad optimization feature takes into account all the data that an ad has when it is served across all zones. Thus, it is a holistic approach. Optimization is done for the ad, based on its whole performance in all zones that it is linked to, not just within any specific zone.


In this example, we have 2 ads A and B on click optimization. Both ads are set to Auto priority and started out at the same priority. After one week, ad A has 20 clicks and ad B has 10 clicks. It means viewers respond to ad A better than ad B. As a result, priority for ad A will be increased and it will display more frequently than ad B.

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Features of our ad server that display ads to your viewers, record ad metrics like impressions and clicks.

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